Instructions to be followed during filling up the grievances in Google form
1. Please enter correct Register No. (12 Digits). Since, the grievances are categorized by software, incorrect register number may not be taken into considerations and your issues will be left unsolved
2. Enter Name and then Initial as given in your hall ticket / student's login. It is shameful to note many of the candidates have given only initials not name (As we have given name with initials at the end)
3. Fill the form once for a particular subject in the particular session. Many of them had entered the same data more than once. (We dont know how the software handles such redundancies.)
4. Dont be in a hurry to fill the form. check all the entries before submitting. We now extend the time to fill the form from 5.30 PM to 8 PM on the exam date.
5. In the Issues column, give only the issues that you have faced during online exams. Avoid greetings like dear sir, good evening and information about you like name, register no, studying in Dept / College, please solve the issue sir, and the like in the issues column.
6. Enter only the subject code. Some students have written Subject name also. As already said, it is processed by the software and hence including the subject name may create error.
7. If the time ends, the answers are automatically submitted. So avoid filling the google form for this issue.
8. Some of the students have reported that their mobile phone is heated, battery is draining fast, No network, power failure, Barking dog sounds (which increases warning) as an issue which cannot be solved at our end. Please include only technical issue in the SEB / exam software issue, login issue etc or any other issue which can be addressed at our end.
9. If you are reported with more warnings, please dont be panic. In spite of numerous warnings or low credibility issues, the recorded videos will be played by the authorities to verify the warnings are correct. When you are genuine, no need to worry about warnings.
10. Avoid any kind of malpractices as it may lead to debarring permanently