
Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Practical Exam Nov/Dec 2021 will start from 10/3/2022

 The Nov/Dec 2021 Practical Exam will be conducted in physical mode and it begins from 10/3/2022 for all regulations including special arrear exams. However, the college reopens for the even semester on 7/3/2022.  

For detailed instruction visit

The detailed schedule will be intimated by the class advisor at later date.

Friday, February 18, 2022

Post / Courier to our college will be delivered only after local body results

 Our College is the counting center for the Local body elections 2022. Hence the college is taken over by Election officials. So the posts / Couriers will be permitted inside the college only after the counting is over (i.e, from Wednesday).  Hence students are advised not to worry if there is no deliver message of your posts till Wednesday. 

However there is no restrictions for the students to post the answer sheets. All your answer sheets will be delivered by Wednesday at the College.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Send answer pdf from registered email id

 We have already instructed that, not to send the answer pdf from the mail id other than that is registered with the Anna University in this blog and through the class advisors. As per the Anna University instruction, those students will be marked absent.

In spite of repeated instructions, some students particularly 2013 & Special arrear students are sending the pdf from different mail id. They were marked absent as per the University instruction.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

PG Students are instructed to contact respective exam centre for hall ticket

 PG students are instructed to contact the respective Exam centres (for our college : SSM Engineering college, Komarapalayam) for their hall ticket

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Hard copy posting - Certain Instruction - Reg

 1. Hard copy sent through unpopular couriers have some issues. Some hard copy missed could not be traced. If you have near by post office, it is better to do registered post or speed post.

2. All students are advised to write the regulation on the top right of the cover while posting your answer sheets. Example. Write 2017 if you belong to 2017 regulation, 2013 if you belong to 2013 regulation.

3. Please ensure whether you have attached annexure 1 both in soft and hard copy,

Friday, February 4, 2022

Many students are submitting late

 In spite on repeated instruction, students are submitting post 1 hour after the completion of exams. These students were marked absent. Only if you start the arranging and scanning process at the end of exam timing, students can able to submit answer pdf within the prescribed time limit. 

If you couldn't submit on time, there is high chance that you have to write the arrear exam in offline mode next semester. 

Students were marked absent while they submit answers from the mail id other than the registered mail id with the University. 

Some students were asked to write a explanation letter to Chief superintendent of Examination of our college by the class advisor, . For those students, the attendance will be present or absent based on the decision by the University.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Common mistakes by students today

 1. Start scanning by 12.30 PM / 5.30 PM. Only if it is started by that time, you can complete in time. Many of the students, who failed to submit on time today, have written the exam upto 1 PM. 

2. PDF File naming format is not followed by certain students

3. Those students who send answer pdfs to gmail ids are instructed to use the subject format as given in the guidelines.

4. Do check the mail ids and ensure that you are sending to the correct mail ids that is specified in the Guidelines. 

5.Your pdf should reach us before 1.30 PM / 6.30 PM. Else you will be marked absent. 

6. Do ensure that you are sending actual pdf. Some students have sent Google drive link instead of actual pdf. They were marked absent today. Be careful while using app like adobe scan, as it asks for sending the link or actual pdf. choose the option cautiously.

7. Do read and understand the guidelines given in this blog.

8. One of the student have sent the answer to the mail id given last year. Sometimes the mail ids are auto filled. So ensure one or two times, that you are sending to the correct mail id. 

9. Dont send more than one copy of pdf. It will be considered as malpractice.

10. We are in the position that we could not consider / escalate your grievance when your action which is not specified / against the guidelines given in the blog.

11. Simple Careless mistakes will lead to mark absent for you and hence you need to reappear next time which may not be online. 

12. As it is already instructed, it is your responsibility to identify the area of good network connectivity, mobile data backup. Some students today, says reason like poor network connectivity, failed to recharge data etc., which are not considered to be a good reason at engineering level. 

13. To put simply, we couldnot do any help for your careless mistakes. Please dont call and request. Please avoid asking your parents to make request for consideration for your silly or careless mistakes. We could do based on the University instruction only. 

14. When u finish on time, there is enough time to send the pdf with all the guidelines incorporated. Last time tensions costs you to reappear next semester. Please remember, Think and act wisely.


QPs will be received in your mail id / google class room

The Question paper will be sent to email id registered with university / google class room whichever applicable (as given in the Guidelines posted at this blog . You should receive the QP between 9 to 9.30 AM for FN and 2 - 2.30 PM for AN session.

In case of non receipt of QP within the maximum time limit, contact the person as given in the guidelines posted in the link above.

All the best

New blog for Exam Cell