
Sunday, June 20, 2021

Hall Ticket can be downloaded from student login & Help Desk Numbers for queries - Anna University

 The Hall tickets were released by Anna University, It will be available in your student login at coe1 web portal / your registered gmail. we found that many of gmail ids are not correct particularly for Special arrear candidates & 2013 regulation candidates.

Help desk numbers are given by Anna University for queries regarding examination. General queries  contact

044 - 22357251, 044 - 22357258, 

044 - 22357259, 044 - 22357269

For queries regarding procedure followed in IRTT, please contact the mobile contact numbers given in your student login. (9.30 AM to 5.30 PM)


Unknown said...

I have xam tomorrow but still the ceo portal doesn't respond as well as there is no mail received regarding hallticket.. wht can i do ?

UTA Training Class said...

Dear madam/Sir,

I have exam on 24th but still not received hall ticket in my mail id And coe portal isssue came not respond in web site so kindly check do the needful.

Vijay said...

There is a server problem. write ur exam and download your hall ticket later

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