
Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Timetable released for University exams to be conducted in Jun/Jul 2021

 The Time table for Nov/Dec 2020 - Reexamination and Apr/May 2021 are released by Anna University. The Time table can be viewed in the following link

Anna University, Chennai

Anna University, Coimbatore


Unknown said...

Before (feb-mar)2021exam I had 4 subjects arrear. After the exam results I have passed in 2 subjects and failed in 2 subjects.
Now my question is may I write 2 subjects those I failed after the results is enough or else I need to write all the 4 subjects.
Which means I willing to write only those 2 failed subjects and you said that is our wise.

Vijay said...

if is your wish to write any subject in your hall ticket. it is your choice

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