
Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Instruction regarding exams for I year Students

 1. Regularly do visit / Make other students also to visit. Don’t forward.

2. Malpractice in any form will be certainly booked.

3. If Hall ticket is missing, write a letter, get signature from HOD and pay the fine of Rs.100 at college cash counter to issue duplicate hall ticket. Hall ticket will be issued only after dispatching answer sheets & question paper to the exam halls. Duplicate hall ticket will be issued only once and in case of second time, the candidate has to get it from the university directly,

4. Borrowing things like calculator, pen, pencil, scale etc are not permitted inside the exam hall.

5. If you miss your college ID card, get the duplicate ID card by pasting your recent passport size photograph and get attestation from our Principal

6. Before contacting exam cell do ensure that your problem are not addressed in the blog / notice board. Wear ID card and bring pen compulsorily while coming to Exam cell

7. Avoid bringing cell phones / purses or any other costly belongings during examination – as you may keep everything outside the Exam Hall – Missing of belongings may happen. The college or Exam cell is not responsible for any thing goes missing

8. Dont write anything in the question paper / hall ticket. It will be considered as malpractice. for any calculations use rough work page in the answer sheet.

9. Mobile phones, purses or any Bluetooth gadgets are strictly not allowed inside the exam hall.

10. College is not responsible for any material (ex calculator) left in the hall after examination. Make sure that you are not leaving anything in exam cell

11. The hall allocation information will be posted at irttexamcell blog at 7.30 AM. Please don’t rely on other person regarding hall allocation or any other information related to exams.

12. Students are advised to carry water bottle (Transparent / silver). Students will not be allowed to go to rest rooms during exam hours. So plan your water intake accordingly.

13. Students are recommended to wear half sleeve shirts and in case of full sleeve shirts, avoid folded cuffs. Pants with too many packets are not allowed

14. Don’t keep your bags and books in corridor. It should be kept in steps or away from the corridor

15. Please write the register no, subject code & subject name correctly. If written anywhere else in answer paper it is considered as malpractice, fined and need to send fine as DD to university

16. Physically challenged will be given extra minutes – prior permission is required

17. Look for complete register no while referring for seating arrangement pasted at the door of the exam hall

18. Check the answer sheets for damages and report immediately. Reporting at later stage will not be fruitful.

19. Any graphs/ drawing sheets required – please ask before the end of first 30 minutes after receiving question paper

20. Please check the subject code with your hall ticket and with the question paper received before answering.

21. ID card and hall ticket are compulsary for appearing for examination. 

22. Check your spelling, DOB, spacing in your hall ticket and report immediately

23. Report to the exam cell if there is a name change.

24. Keep the University Exam Question papers safe. Neither Exam cell nor Zonal office will

retain the question paper after the exams are over.

25.Keep your hall tickets safe till you complete your degree

26. Only permitted calculators are allowed. List of permitted calculators are given in

27. Stike out unused pages diagonally using pen in the answer booklet

Friday, March 4, 2022

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Even Sem Classes postponed to 16/3/22

 The 2,3 and final year students are instructed to come to hostel on 9/3/22, so as to attend the practical exam from 10.3.22. Hostel mess will function from 9/3/22 (Lunch). The even semester reopening is postponed to 16/3/2022.

Keep your downloaded hall ticket for practical examination.

New blog for Exam Cell