
Monday, January 3, 2022

Permitted calculators for Anna University Exams & Internal tests

The Scientific calculators that are permitted in the continuous assessment test and end Semester Examinations are as follows:

1. Use of the following calculators in examinations is permitted: Non-Programmable. silent hand held, self-contained, single line display or dual line display calculators.

2. Use of the following calculators in Examinations is prohibited:
a) Programmable calculators are prohibited.: The term "Programmable" includes any calculator that is capable of storing a sequence of keystrokes that can be retrieved after the calculator is turned off or powers itself off.
b)Calculators with any of the following mathematical features are prohibited: Graph plotting, Equation solving, Symbolic Algebraic Manipualation, Numerical Integration, Numerical differentiation and Matrix calculations.
c)Calculators with any of the following facilities are prohibited: Storing and retrieving text, personal organisers, graphical calculators, Data banks, Dictionaries, Thesauruses and language translators, capability of remote communication.

3. The use of prohibited calculators will be considered as malpractice/misconduct. The candidate must clear any stored memory from the calculator, if any. If the calculator is found to have items in the memory, this may be considered academic misconduct. Visual checks will be conducted during examinations by hall invigilators

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