
Monday, January 24, 2022

Special Arrear candidates are instructed to contact their home college

 The Special arrear candidates are advised to contact their home college for online exams. The choice of centre chosen stands cancelled for online examination. They need to send all the soft and hard copy of the answer scripts to the home college (or the college directed by home college in case of autonomous / low arrear strength).

For all Special arrear IRTT students, they need to send soft and hard copy of the answer scrips to IRTT and follow the instruction specific to IRTT. It is applicable to the IRTT students, who have chosen some other college as Exam centre,


Unknown said...

Please give detail instructions of gec (IRTT) online examination and courier process,we are not clear about the courier process

Unknown said...

In registration preview session the page doesn't show my reg mobile no details.kindly help.

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