
Saturday, July 16, 2022

Important instructions for Apr/May 2022 Examination

 1. Wearing Mask is compulsory. No student will be permitted inside the exam hall. 

2. Seating arrangement for the Exam date and session will be posted in this blog at 7.30 AM and 11.30 AM for FN & AN Sessions respectively

3. Seating arrangement will be given as link. Click the link and verify your seating allotment.

4. Any discrepancies in the seating allotment, bring to the notice of the exam cell.

5. Answer booklet instruction can be viewed in the following link

6. Avoid Full sleeve shirts. If you are wearing full sleeve shirts, you should not fold the cuffs throught the exam.

7.Students are instructed to keep their bags near the steps only. No bag should be kept in the corridor

8. No whitener will be supplied. So write all the details very carefully. All the data required will be in the hall ticket and in the question paper

9. Verify whether you have received the correct question paper code and subject.

10. Read and adhere to the instructions given at the back of the hall ticket and in the second page of answer sheet.

11. Hall ticket, College ID card Face mask are mandatory for Examination.

12. No Candidates will be allowed after the commencement of Examination. Students are advised to be present in the exam hall at least 10 minutes before the commencement of the exam

13. Answer scripts will be distributed 10 min before the commencement of exam and Question paper will be distributed 5 min before the commencement of exam to those students present inside the exam hall

14. Check your answer scripts for any damages, whether all pages are present etc before writing the register number. Informing of damaged answer sheet at later stage, will create serious issue.

15. Write the college name as given in the hall ticket. 

16. Strike out the unused pages diagonally using pen in the answer sheet. Also strike out unused space if any spaces in between your an

17. Do not alter the No.of pages used. if altered get the attestation from the hall superintendent otherwise your paper will not be valued.

18. Put the tick mark for the answered questions both in front and back of the answer script

19. Do not write your name, college or any other identification mark in any of the pages (except first page) of the answer script.

20. List of actions for malpractice is posted at the notice board of Exam cell. Students are instructed to note it down.

21. Malpractice in any form will be booked

22. Use only the permitted calculators posted at (use search option to view the details)

23.Data books will be supplied only if it is specified in the question paper.

24. Inform if you need any graph sheet or drawing sheet for the subject, to the hall invigilator immediately after reviewing your question paper.

25. It is recommended to bring a transparent water bottle to the halls on your own.

26. No electronic gadgets, Bluetooth devices, pouches or mobile phones are allowed inside the exam hall. It is also not permitted to keep inside the hall even in switched off condition.

27. Except Reg no nothing should be written in the question paper. use rough column in the answer sheet for any calculations

28. Check name and other data in the hall ticket and inform if there is any correction immediately.

29. If the hall ticket is missing for the first time, write a letter, get signature from HoD / Class advisor, and pay Rs. 100/- towards issue of duplicate hall ticket at college cash counter and submit the receipt and letternat exam cell. Duplicate Hall ticket will be issued after the dispatch of Question papers to the halls from Exam cell.

30. If the hall ticket is missed for the second time, duplicate hall ticket will be issued only on the concurrence from the University.

31. If any students have missed College ID card, write the details of ID card, paste a passport size photo and get attestation from the Principal. Always keep a passport size photo along with you.

32.Look for the complete register no for the seating in the door slip. Reg No will be followed by seat no in the door slip

33.Students are advised to keep their belongings only in the steps (not in the corridor adjacent to class) and College is not responsible for any loss to your belongings

34. Keep your hall ticket safe till you complete your degree.

35. Keep your question paper safe as it will be needed if revaluation procedure is opted. No copy of the question paper will be retained at exam cell or zonal office.

36.Trust only the information received in or 

37. The data book should be received from Hall superintendent after entering the data book number and return the same to Hall superintendent. Any damage or non-receipt of data book will attract fine from the student, who used the book latest. So, inform the hall superintendent if there is any damage in the data book as soon as you received the data book.

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